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Toddler skills through play

After years of parents and carers trying to keep little ones from joining in their sibling’s Enjoy-a-Ball sessions, we have developed a program just for toddlers (with the help of a very skilled and knowledgeable Specialist Sports Physio – Tracy Prowse).

We’ll let Tracy explain:

“Toddlers want to move and they want to learn – often by repeating the same activity till they feel confident about it. They are gaining greater control of their bodies so this is the perfect time to help them lay the foundations for a love of movement and being active. They are not mature enough yet to play sport or follow very specific instruction so care must be taken that activities focus on developing good foundational gross motor skills, co-ordination, balance and core stability. This will allow them to excel at a faster and more efficient rate when the time comes for them to enter a more structured sporting environment.”

So, if you are between the ages of 18 and 36 months – this is the program for you!

Physi-Ball Program

Although there are strong links with the main Enjoy-a-Ball program, Physi-Ball is in fact different, but highly complementary. During the program children will work to develop their:

  • Core stability through a series of fun and interactive exercises which involves the use of a mini ‘Swiss Ball’ – many of you will have done something similar in your Pilates classes!

  • Balance, jumping, hand-eye coordination, rhythm awareness and cognitive ability, which includes following instructions.

  • Left and right coordination and midline crossing ability – an essential part of development that helps children to develop the ability to engage both halves of the brain which is important in all aspects of life including reading and writing.

  • Interest in group participation, which is vital for the future sporting, team and social skills they will acquire during Enjoy-a-Ball classes and out on the sports field.

Crucially, whilst your child will be developing many vital fundamental motor and life skills they will also be having a huge amount of fun in the process! Parent participation provides a fantastic opportunity for mums, dads and other carers to bond with their children while laying the perfect foundations for a seamless transition into the Enjoy-a-Ball program!

Physi-Ball Centres

Classes currently run in the following locations. Please click on a link to contact your local Physi-Ball and Enjoy-a-Ball provider for more information.

Not all Enjoy-a-Ball centres run Physi-Ball sessions.

Looking for some information to download? Physi-Ball PDF