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Enjoy-a-Ball: a party you remember forever!

We’d love to help you celebrate your child’s special day.

Are you stressing out at the mere thought of organising another birthday party?
Fear not. With Enjoy-a-Ball you can create an unforgettable and very enjoyable day for your child, their guests and, yes, even you.

  • Great fun and games with plenty of action.

  • For girls and boys aged 4 to 9.

  • Enthusiastic coaching – our coaches are full of beans too!

  • Happy, positive and fun-filled environment.

  • Numbers from 12 – 30 depending on venue size.

  • During term-time, parties are mostly restricted to weekends due to busy coaching schedules.

You provide the venue (we can advise on suitable venues in your area), food and drinks and we will take care of the entertainment. If you would like more information, please contact us.

T: 0333 433 0845 or complete the enquiry form.

Top tips for a very Enjoy-a-Ball party.

“The minute the kids go in they are under a spell. I have never seen so many kids captivated and mesmerized by one person! I have been to Enjoy-a-Ball parties a number of times, my Struan had his 5th Birthday party too and I still wonder how it’s done. If it could be bottled, it would be a bestseller.”

Mrs Baites