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(Existing franchises only)

Nurseries & Schools

Confidence, Coordination, Concentration
…It’s more than fun!

We work with nurseries and schools across the UK to complement and enhance the range of activities they offer their children.

If you are looking for a structured program, developed and delivered by professionals as a way of incorporating a comprehensive sports and exercise component into your curriculum, we would love to be of assistance.

Making use of our program can also be very cost effective as we alleviate the need for you to purchase specialised, age-appropriate equipment as all of the equipment required for each lesson is brought along by our coaches.

Because each nursery / school has unique needs, Enjoy-a-Ball offers a range of flexible lesson plans and pricing packages. We will work with you to assess the specific requirements of your establishment and will design a tailored package to meet your exact needs and budget.

We can also arrange for a complimentary “Taster Session” at your nursery / school to allow staff and children to experience first-hand, the benefits and fun our program delivers.

Give us a call to discuss the Enjoy-a-Ball Program for your school / nursery.

T: 0333 4330 845 or complete the online enquiry form.